Make numbers work for you!

Marketing CFO is a unique service combining finance, marketing analytics and data science - a modern solution for companies in the 3rd millennium.

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How Marketing CFO Works

In today’s world, financial data is just one source a CFO should rely on to help you run your business. We use data science to help combine your operational, marketing, and accounting data sources to bring clarity to your business. We believe this combination is needed in every business.

How It Works

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    Marketing Analytics

    The story doesn't start when you get paid. We use marketing data as the foundation for our financial models, analysis, and advice.
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    Data Science

    Collect all the data and use it to your advantage. We use operational, financial, marketing, and any other type of data you have or can get to help you make accurate decisions and have a complete, accurate picture of your company.
    Undraw all the data re hh4w 2
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    CFO Vision

    Small businesses need a CFO in their org chart who understands the full financial picture for their business. Our unique method of combining all of your data sources into financial models allows us to fulfil this role for the needs of the modern business.
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  • Marketing CFO

    • Unlimited Dashboards
    • Serve as Virtual CFO
    • Set Budgets, Track, Find Bottlenecks and Help to Quickly Address Them
    • Automation Analysis & Implementation
  • Finance Department

    • Everything from CFO Package
    • Enterprise Level Data Pipelines
    • Consolidation of Multiple Businesses or Clients into Analysis
    • Weekly/Monthly Analysis of Constraints
  • Your Custom Plan

    What do YOU need?

The Marketing CFO Promise

We help small businesses make sense of their data.

We combine data science, accounting, and marketing to build a complete picture of your company.

Marketing CFO is a revolutionary service that replaces at least one C-level executive and provides accurate, detailed financial and operational reporting.

Built on Unicorn Platform